Monday, January 31, 2011

Puppies and PeePees

I love my dogs.  I really do.  They're sweet, loyal, attractive and great friends. They almost always sit when we ask them to.  They stay when told to do so most of the time.  They can shake, high five and pray.  They don't even eat their supper until we've said the blessing.

But most importantly, their antics make me laugh. Not always when they happen, but a few days later, it makes for a good story.

T.C. (Takin' Care of Business)
D.T. (Down To Business)
On Friday morning, this was NOT funny.  It also wasn't funny Friday afternoon - or at anytime Saturday.  But by Sunday night, it made me chuckle!

My sister was coming to spend the night with us Friday night, and I hadn't changed the sheets on our guest room bed since the previous weekend when we had company.  So Friday morning, I made it my mission to clean the guest room.  However, when I went to straighten up, I was shocked to find a pee lake puddle ON the bed.

Not by the front door, not by the back door.  Not on the carpet in a desperate attempt to make it to any door.  Nope.  It was ON the bed.  Who does that?  Certainly not these precious pets. 

I would like to say I wasn't sure which of my precious pups had pulled this stunt, but only one of them thinks charades like this are humorous.  She also likes to steal sweets off the counter when we're not looking, lambchop bones out of the trash (her Saturday morning trick.  Really, she ate two lambchop bones!) and baby diapers.

Blog readers, I introduce you to T.C.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random Thoughts...

I'm having a horribly hard time finding my "blogging voice." As someone who does a ton of writing for a living, I never thought it'd be difficult to write about myself. help find my voice, I'm just going to write a brain dump. So here goes!

1. Small Biz turned 6 weeks old Tuesday. The books say she should start smiling at us this week, and every time she wakes up from a nap, I have incredible anticipation that this will be the time she smiles at me! It hasn't happened yet.

2. With SB's 6 week birthday comes my 6 week post-partum appointment. I had it Wednesday, and I'm going back Thursday to have an IUD put in. I'm super nervous that it'll be painful, but thrilled to have a birth control that'll work for us!

3. I'm soooo over the cold weather. I love walking outdoors, but it's just been too cold lately. And my poor dogs - they need a good, hard walk. But I'm not venturing out into the cold!

4. I love being at home on maternity leave with Small Biz. It's so much fun to spend my day with her and watch her grow and become more aware. However, the General Assembly convened today, and I'm bummed that I missed it. Odd years are long sessions, and they're my absolute favorite!

5. Speaking of being at home on maternity leave: I have 15 weeks off, and I'm already having anxiety about putting her into daycare. Major anxiety. Like, I'm currently refusing to fill out the paperwork. Oooops!

6. Another thing I miss about work is my MacBook Pro with the complete CS4 suite (mainly, I miss photoshop). In the meantime, Katie posted about Picassa3, so I'm going to try that for making collages and such. I'm pretty excited to have a new photo tool - especially with all the new baby pictures I've been taking! I'll let you know how that goes!

7. Have y'all seen that the weather is supposed to get into the upper 50's this weekend? I am beyond excited!

Okay, this post is making me more ADD than I already am! Whew, I think I've covered every topic that's gone through my brain in the past day...
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