Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bellie's First Birthday Party!

In mid-December, our sweet little girl turned one! I honestly cannot believe she's a year old. I know everyone says it, but the first year flies by.

For her birthday party, we had a Very Hungry Caterpillar-themed party. The hardest thing (to me) about planning a baby's birthday party is the timing. She naps at 9am and again at 1pm, so a middle of the day party isn't an option. She also goes to bed at 6:30pm, so an evening party is out of the question. Because of the sleep schedule, her party started at 3pm. A little odd, but she wasn't cranky, and that was most important to me.

I didn't take pictures of the snacks, but we had some yummy foods! I made Jenna's Sin Dip, and it was the biggest hit of the party!

Here are some pictures of sweet, sweet Bellie!

I made a very hungry caterpillar! (So proud of my creative side!)

Sweet Bellie with her birthday hat.

Don't judge me on this pic!

I made a fat caterpillar, and my mom destroyed him. :(

My friend Sara and her little boy William came and partied with us! (Look at Bellie checking him out!)

She was not playing around with that cupcake!


  1. Aww, the cupcake fun happened after we left!!! Boooo. We had so much fun!!

  2. Love the pics :) Bellie's such a stinkin' cutie!


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