Friday, March 2, 2012

Random thoughts...

I keep feeling the urge to blog, but then something stops me. Sometimes it's because I want to vent about a fight I've had with Mike, and that probably isn't appropriate (although it sure as hell would be funny).

About three times a week I realize I need to do a house update, but it's always during nap time, and I leave my camera in Bellie's room (she likes to play with it while she's getting her diaper changed).

But most times it's because I feel like I have to spend these precious naptime hours cleaning this darn house. Y'all, I HATE when people tweet things like, "OMG, I haven't vacuumed in three days. This house is so messy!" But, OMG. These hardwood floors are KILLING ME. They really do have to be vacuumed like every other day - especially with dogs. The hair just starts to float around, and it backs up in corners and on the stairs. So gross!

Anyhow, now that y'all know all about my dirty house, here are some other random thoughts floating through my mind.
  1. Renters are in the townhouse. I'm so grateful we only had to pay two mortgages for one month! However, our new tenants are going to be a handful. It's a couple with a child, and the wife is extremely Type-A. And aggressive. And despite being from Florida, she has a LOT of Northern traits. Just totally different from me, and our communication styles are different. As long as she pays her rent, right?
  2. There's a rumor going around that Mike and I may take a little trip to Vegas!!! I have never been, and Mike's been once (he loved it). It's supposed to be a "Thank you Mary Adelaide for packing all my ish and moving our family into our new house without me having to lift a darn finger" trip. But I always thought trips that were given to you were supposed to be planned/booked by the giver. It's looking like I'm going to have to plan/book ours because someone else keeps forgetting. (Ooops, is that a hint of a recent fight??? hahaha! Obviously, we have BIG problems here at the Businesses!) Anyone have any Vegas tips? We want to see Elton John while we're there!
  3. This week has been a great week. I've really, really struggled with being lonely since I started staying at home. I love Small Biz, but she's not the best conversationalist. We had lunch dates Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week! Tuesday and Wednesday were with friends we've had for a while, but Monday's was spur of the moment with a new friend we've met at Baby Storytime and her twins! Extra plus, she lives in our neighborhood!
  4. Baby Storytime has been a saving grace for us. It's through our county's library; I highly recommend it for anyone who has kids. Even if you don't stay at home, they offer it on weekends. It's not really a storytime either. We actually just sing songs and read one short story at the end. Bellie absolutely loves it, and we've even taught some of the songs to Mike.
  5. We had a moth problem in our kitchen, but I think it's solved! I'm absolutely terrified of moths, so this was a big problem for me! I finally vacuumed the top of the cabinet where the moths were coming from, and within 24 hours, they were gone. I read online that there may be cocoons at the top. I couldn't see any, but I figured it was worth a shot. It worked!
  6. I am so ready for Spring, I can hardly handle it. I hate, hate, hate wearing jeans, so I have been living in leggings lately, and I'm ready for some pretty skirts and dresses. We're almost there - I can feel it!
  7. We received two wedding invites in the mail this week, and I am thrilled! The weddings are on the same weekend, but one is a Saturday wedding in Raleigh and one is on Sunday in Wilmington, so I think we can swing both!
  8. I also received an invite to a bridal shower for a girl I went to college with. We weren't very close at Peace, but we've reconnected this past year. I feel so honored that she included me on the guest list for her shower, and I am thrilled to attend! 
  9. Re-reading this post, I'm reminded how hard it is to make friends post-college. I am so thankful for the great friends I have, but I am so thrilled to begin new friendships too. It's such a blessing.
  10. It's Friday - yay for weekends! Anyone have any fun plans?
And seriously, if you have any Vegas tips, shoot them my way!


  1. I just love your posts, your honesty and your humor! It's so refreshing, MA! And I'm glad to know others out there have ridiculous fights! Ours this morning was Phillip's claim that he had to leave work early (ummm 5:30 p.m. is NOT considered early when you have a 9-5 J-O-B) to get Davis last night so I could enjoy dinner with a friend.

    1. Thanks so much, Courtney! Mike was reading over my shoulder when I first read this, and he said, "Uh, 5:30 is not early when you're a good banker!" I gave him the death stare. I'm glad you're making it to dinner with friends though - that's such a hard thing to do!

  2. Here's a Vegas tip...take Robbie and I with you!!! LOL!!!

    I miss our lunch dates :( When is Baby Storytime that you go to?! I may need to take a half day off sometime and William and I come join you to see what it's all about! (Is he too little?) LOL!

    1. Y'all should come...if it ever gets booked! I miss our lunch dates too. When baby storytime starts back in April, you'll have to take a half day, and we can do storytime and lunch!


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