Monday, October 31, 2011

My Last Day of Work!

Today is my last day at work!

I am so excited - but in the spirit of being transparent - I am scared out of my mind! My entire adult life, I have worked for this association. My senior year of college, they were kind enough to take me on as an intern, and that fall, in Oct. 2007 (after months of me pestering them), they hired me as the event planner. Oddly enough, the largest "event" I had ever planned involved 25 people going out for dinner on New Year's Eve. But they took me on and trusted me to plan their convention. It was a huge undertaking, but I did it - twice the first year, and once this past year.

Then in 2008, they opened a different spot for me on the communications team, and I got to leave my super stressful events job to write, edit and make movies.

I worked here when I got engaged. I worked here when I found out I was pregnant. I worked here when I got married. (Yes, in that order.) I worked here when I had Small Biz. And now I'm leaving.

In 2007, I never thought this would be my only job. I thought I'd stay for a year and a half or two years, and move on. I thought this would be a great stepping stone. But I was able to grow here, I had great benefits, and I formed great relationships.

I really am going to miss it.

But I'm so excited. I get to go home and spend my day with this precious pumpkin and my nights with this cute guy.

Stay-at-home Mommyhood, here we come!
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