- I made Mr. Business cupcakes for Valentine's Day. The cake was great, the icing was awesome, the filling was HORRID. The filling also took hours to make, and he ended up having to help me. I also started out my Valentine's Day post by saying we weren't big on the holiday...then he showed up with an awesome present, and I felt like an ass for making cupcakes. Oh well!
- About two weeks ago a blogger in my reader posted about another blogger who had just lost her 4-month old baby to (most likely) SIDS. I'm not going to link to the blog because I don't want to stress anyone out. I WISH I had never read the story. It's totally heartbreaking, and I cannot possibly imagine anything worse than losing a child. (If you're curious, email me at mrs.business84 (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send it to you.)
- Since I read that, I've been doing a LOT of holding Small Biz. Poor thing! I read the post on a Friday night, and immediately got her out of her bassinet (where she was soundly sleeping) to hold her. I also held her during most of her naps throughout the weekend! I keep waking up at night to make sure she's breathing. I've been getting up so much, I think I'm driving Mr. Business crazy, so he's agreed that we need an AngelCare monitor. I'll probably order one tonight.
- I go back to work three weeks from today. I'm so nervous about it. Apparently my boss is also. She's been calling once a week to make sure I have childcare set up and that I'm "ready to return." (I've had the same childcare plans in place since September, and she knows it; she's just worried I'm going to stay home.)
- Small Biz starts daycare part-time next Wednesday. She'll go for eight days before I start back at work so I can get used to it. We aren't discussing it at home because I
crysuper ugly face cry every time it's mentioned. - I've decided I hate being "anonymous." I feel so stupid saying "Mr. Business" and "Small Biz." Like, why not just use our real names? Om, because of work. Everyone there is SUPER nosey. And I work for a member-run association, and I don't want members finding this and knowing everything about me. They already try to friend me on Facebook, and that's just weird. Plus, if I ever want to complain, I need to have a place to do it.
- Kim is on her way to Raleigh to visit for the night, and I am extremely excited!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Three week catch-up!
Yikes, the last three weeks have flown by, so let's do a quick recap, shall we?
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