Monday, November 14, 2011

I live in a bachelor pad

Most girls who have blogs show photos of their houses, and I think, "Gosh! That is so beautiful! I can't wait until I can have a home like that." So, I've decided to show y'all why I think that.

I live in a bachelor pad.

True story. It's a real. live. bachelor. pad.

In my living room, we have a couch that reclines - aaaand the matching love seat.

Isn't Mr. Business' undershirt hotttt?

Not only does it recline, but it has a "center console." And y'all, not just any center console. Ours has cupholders! And a speaker phone! (what??? Who even has a home phone anymore??) Wait, it gets better. It also has built-in massagers! You know, so when you come home from a rough day at work, your couch can knead out those stress spots!

Anyhow, the point of showing y'all a photo our bachelor pad is to say I'm going to turn the bachelor pad into a home! Okay, maybe not a home-home, but I'm going to organize it. (We have to keep the sofas.) I'm going to hang photos (we have three up right now). I'm going to make our mantle pretty, and decorate for Christmas. And - the best part - I'm going to blog about it! So come along for the ride - and please don't judge me on our messiness!

(In all fairness to Mr. Business, it's a great house. He bought it right after he'd turned 25 and got the furniture then too, and I know he never thought he'd be living here eight years later with a wife and a baby! And while we're looking for a new home, there isn't much on the market, so I'm making do with what we've got!)


  1. Bahaha!! Too funny! Can't wait to see the updates!

  2. This cracked me up!

    I used to post pictures when I had a house but now I don't because I live with my MOM. Ha - One day soon we'll have really great cute houses to show off!

  3. This is so funny! Our house is totally a bachelor pad and I've had a hard time even putting some candles out! HA! I have succeeded in some areas--some areas not so much. Good luck! :)

  4. This is priceless!! No doubt you are making the best with what you've got. Trust me, it took a LOT of coaxing to get Phillip to let go of his green chenille recliner, faded couch and 1989 coffee table. I put up with it for a good solid year and a half after we were married but once we moved, it was out with the old, in with the new...except the new all comes one piece at a time!

  5. I can't wait to see what you do! And that couch sounds kinda awesome. =)


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